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Auction Details: October 1 Multi Estate Auction


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Beginning @ 9 AM


Friday, September 30th from 9 AM – 5 PM

Saturday, October 1st from 8 AM – 9 AM


STERLING SILVER: letter opener, sterling handled shoe horn, master butter, various spoons & forks, Whiting sterling rim coasters, La Pierre sterling rim plates, sterling handled tomato servers, Thailand embossed box, weighted Wild Rose compote, weighted candleholders, Towle Carpenter hall flatware (3-piece service for 3), weighted candelabra, Webster bowl 15.745 TO, shakers

SILVERPLATE: flatware, trays, dresser boxes, Gorham side handle teapot, Benjamin Franklin Tankard, flagon with bust head finials

FLATWARE: Dirilyte - 43 pieces, Towle Carpenter Hall – 9 pieces

GLASS: large variety of art glass vases, jack-in-the-pulpit vase handpainted by L. Everson, large etched hurricane shade, Swarovski birthday cake figurine, Blenko vases, Orrefors square bowl, blue cut to clear vase, Daum vase, Waterford candleholders, Waterford pen holder, ruby cut to clear urn vase, large Blenko centerbowl

PORCELAIN and POTTERY: unmarked chamber pitcher & washbowl, Royal Doulton Pied Piper toby jug, Royal Doulton Pickwick Papers pitcher, Royal Doulton Old Curiosity Shop pitcher, Funi Island Icelandic bird feeder, stoneware crock

NEAT STUFF: Yacov Heller Jerusalem Israel, stone & silvertone figural sculpture, white metal figural candelabra, deluxe Monopoly game, swivel book stand, carved wood wallpaper stamp, replica Antique Telescope in wooden box, carved wood ram’s horn sculpture, bronze kangaroo by Pete Smit, Titanic hour glass, triangular hour glass with marbles & seashell, large variety of Delaware Park metal horse sculptures, Benjamin Franklin University of Pennsylvania sculpture, Independence Hall Damascene Insculpture by Reed & Barton, stone sculpture of figure on horse, Berkshire Deluxe military hat, Murray Kreuger purse with original box, paper mache vegetables in basket, doll carriage, Bonwit Teller feather hat, glass photo negatives, stone grapes, Hummel figurines, Skookum doll with papoose, tin litho durmmer

ASIAN: embroidered fabric, 2-part folding table screen with embroidered panels, large porcelain vases

CLOCKS: Hampton Quartz table clock, Mauthe desk clock, Sessions mantle clock, The Time Mfg Co wall clock, miniature cuckoo clock

LAMPS: large variety of oil, sconces, table & hanging lamps including mid-century poodle lamp


ORIGINAL ART: Oil on canvas signed Emily Lowe ’48 portrait of man, gouache on paper botanical illustration signed Bellenger ’83, contemporary oil on canvas of musical instruments signed illegibly, charcoal on paper signed Osbotme ’56 portrait of woman, mixed media on paper of boats in harbor, oil on canvas of boy in tree signed Hal Singer, continental theme oil on canvas signed Benson, floral oil on canvas signed Huntsberger, oil on canvas of Asian dancer in snow, pastel on paper of nude with fairy tale characters signed Eve Borne ’88, oil on board landscape signed Swinnerton, oil on canvas boats at sunset signed M. Gordon, large watercolor illegibly signed dated ’87 of tropical theme of lovers and woman walking dog.

PRINTS: Engraving “Charlie in Trouble” by J. Scott original by G.B. O’Neill, etching illegibly signed titled “Subway”, etching signed Beatrice ?, Berlin ’64 titled “Woman, Mask of Serenity”, etching of San Cristobal pencil signed “Alicia”, etching “The Bell Tower Audubon Hall, Maryville College, Tennessee” signed Don Swamji, set of five (5) engravings by W.H. Bartett of various tourist scenes including Hudson Highlands, The Schuykill, The Susquehanna and Staten Island; pair of hand colored lithographs of birds, framed pressed flowers, Japanese scrolls birds and flowers and mountain scene, pair of Bessie Pease Gutmann framed lithographs of babies, woodblock print of sheep pecil signed Anna Bellenger and dated 1997, Botero poster/print, six (6) signed Thomas Kincaid poster prints each with COA including Christmas town scene, castle scene, lighthouse on cliff, cottage; four (4) Art Deco gesso relief plaques by Adelaide Althin Toombs: pair of Egyptian women holding incense, a medieval knight and a Greco-Roman figure.


Traditional & Modern Furnishings: Stanley Furniture queen sized 4-post bed, John Widicomb king-sized bed with triple dresser, Sheraton style 4-post bed, several traditional style console & side tables, Kittinger knife box end table, mahogany leather top table, 2 diminutive French style settees, several French style arm & side chairs, French style footstools, shabby chic & paint decorated tables, stands & stools, paint decorated dry sink, paint decorated corner cupboard, round & oval decorative wall mirrors, Queen Anne style cherry highboy, oval scalloped glass topped metal coffee table, round metal base glass top coffee table, cherry block & shell carved triple dresser with mirror, with a sleigh bed, Queen Anne style hunt board, 3-piece Queen Anne style table set, pair of caned back French armchairs, 2- paint decorated swivel piano stools, white painted metal bed, Broyhill double dresser & 2 night stands, Provincial style executive desk with leather swivel base chair, 2 open top painted hutches, cast ceramic buck head with 8-point rack, 6 painted Queen Anne style dining room chairs, brown leater sofa, pair of oversized armchairs by Emerald Craft, Kincaid upholstered armchair, plaid upholstered furniture by Frientship, mid-century design sofa & armchair, bench made walnut Queen Anne style linen press, spindle back plank seat bench, Victorian caned back rocker, oak 2-door Victorian wardrobe, mahogany bookcase with sliding glass doors, softwood wall cupboard with mortise & peg construction & 2 drawers in base, camelback Chippendale sofa, Universal Furniture traditional style dining room suite, pair of Regency marble top end tables with brass trim, leather top mahogany writing desk, ornate 6-piece Art Deco bedroom suite by Red Lion Furniture Co., cherry Chippendale style low boy by Colonial Manufacturing, mahogany Drexel double dresser, 11-piece Georgetown Galleries mahogany dining room suite, Georgetown Galleries block & shell carved triple dresser, early 19th Century arched canopy 4-post Sheraton bed, carved walnut Victorian double bed, upholstered Victorian settee with spindle back, 3-piece carved mahogany parlor set, walnut marble top Victorian table, round oak table with claw & ball foot base, mahogany Victorian Morris chair, mahogany 2-door bookcase, round oak table with platform base

Rugs: Rugs. See Photos.


**To Be Sold at 9 AM**

FURNITURE: CR Lane earth tone sofa, room size carpet autumn colors, square outdoor metal table in high style with chaise lounge, serving cart and 8 chairs. Round metal table with 4 chairs with oak leaf design. Black metal table with slatted top and 4 chairs. Depression porcelain top kitchen table, cedar chest, 2-piece off white living room suit slipcovered, lateral filing cabinet, (4) tile top tables, carved console table, king size cherry headboard, sets of bedding, and more.

TOOLS and EQUIPMENT: Tile, circular, sabre saws. Bit driver sets, antique bolt on the wall drill press, six (6) plastic garage shelves.

ELECTRONICS: Pioneer receiver and DVD player, Sony disc exchange system, Yorx receiver/player, Audio-Technica turntable.

SPORTING: Four (4) golf bags filled with clubs: Callahan, Wilson, Orlimar, King Cobra and more; fooz ball table good shape, battery operated racer, Easy Up Instant Shelter, LL Bean skis with poles. Bicycles: Trek MT220, Trek Model 3700 mountain bike, Schwinn Ranger like new, Panasonic Tourist girls No. 10, Nirve cruiser bike.

COLLECTIBLES: Vintage bright colored Pyrex products, 1954 Album of Historically Depicted Japanese Women by Shiko Takahashi wood block prints, crocks, jugs, finger oil lamp, porcelain and fur skunk family, five (5) boxes of White Shoulders products, vintage 4-footed metal tray in gift box.

TOYS, GAMES, and DOLLS: Jointed doll with bee sting lips, doll clothes, two Mickey Mouse phones, airplane model kits, 2008 Lionel freight set NOS, boxes filled with Precious Moments figures, NOS picture puzzles, Polanko bubble head doll, board games, miniature piano, fire house, blocks, Roll Royce model kit.

HOUSEHOLD: Revere pans stainless steel, Mikasa dishes, baskets, candles, flower pots, luggage, silk flowers, knives in wooden block, Panasonic vacuum sweeper, quantity of clear glass, millinery boxes, modern art pottery, half a dozen cast iron hanging candle holders, Rival roaster oven, West Bend popcorn popper like new, buffet warmer.

TEXTILES: Hudson Bay style blanket, purple and white quilt with rectangles and triangles, navy blue plaid lap rug, red brocade harvest table runner with napkins, hand embroidered placemat and napkin set from Portugal, fabrics from Orient, new plaid curtains by Lexington, , new Land’s End and LL Bean bed linens, lace open work tablecloths, cutwork tablecloth, pillows and bedspreads.

Walking wheel, 2 antique flax winders, 2 antique spinning wheels, camelback trunk.

Nice selection of clothing from an estate. Ladies: fur coats, winter overcoats, sweaters, suits, shoes, scarves, gown, etc. Menswear: approximately 20 suits, suede jackets and others, and more.

HOLIDAY: Three (3) NOS tabletop jeweled Christmas trees, boxes filled with ornaments.

BOOKS & MAGAZINES: “Cabinet of Natural Curiosities” by publisher Taschen, 28 volumes of “Classic Works of Literature” privately published by the Westvaco Corporation, all in slipcases. TL WWII set. Two coffee table size art books from Japan, books re Macedonia, shelf lot of books re Delaware Valley, shelf lot of books by Elie Wiesel, other books on religion.

ART: Two (2) framed photos of Mexico City 1958, two (2) Japanese pictures on fabric, other works of modern and traditional art.


TERMS: 18% Buyer’s Premium for Visa/MC/Discover

3% premium discount (15%) for cash or approved check

Great Homemade Food Available


  1. Pair of Asian porcelain octagonal figural relief ginger jars with fitted hardwood stands

  2. Brass: 20+ pieces, mostly Asian

  3. Mixed: pottery planter with incised decoration, Haxby honey jar, crock, pair of candleholders made in Portugal, milk glass bowl, stone bowl, sand dollar, metal statue of man with hat lid

  4. Asian Porcelain: 5 pieces including censer, ginger jars, fish bowl, large serving bowl

  5. Mixed: 3 Asian porcelain vases, abstract stone sculpture

  6. Clear Glass: 20+ pieces including cut glass footed platter

  7. Asian Porcelain: 12 pieces including teaset with dovetailed box, saki decanter

  8. Asian Blue & White Porcelain: 16 pieces including teaset, bowls, covered casserole, teapots

  9. Asian Porcelain: 8 pieces including plates, bowls

  10. Cut Glass Stems: 38 pieces including 2 Waterford (one with chip)

  11. Lenox Autumn pattern dinnerware - 41 pieces: 6 dinner plates, 10 salad plates, 10 B&B plates, 1 teacup, 10 saucers, vase, candleholder, sugar & creamer, also a Woodland vase

  12. Mixed: 2 redware apple shaped boxes, redware garlic roaster, redware bowl with dog decoration, 2 Southern Living at Home open casseroles, silverplate serving utensils

  13. Mixed: swing dresser mirror, 2 jellyfish paperweights, 2 signed Southwest pottery vases, pair of Armillary, La Dolce Vida pitcher, signed pottery vase, crystal handled Christmas tree salad set

  14. Himark Portugal terra cotta - 9 pieces including covered casseroles, bowls, chip & dip set, pitcher

  15. Porcelain: 12 cup & saucer sets including Tuscan, Royal Winton, Winterling, Sampson Smith, Victoria, Adderley, plus Italian cup& saucer, 2 plates

  16. Pattern Glass: 5 pieces including candy jar, biscuit jar, Clevenger Stoddard pitcher, square platter, oil lamp

  17. Mixed: 5 plates, 8 pieces Mikado pattern dinnerware, 3 silverplated dresser boxes, unmarked wire rimmed eyeglasses, folding lorgnette with rhinestones

  18. Figural Bottles - 9 pieces including Washington bust, Albany Glass Washington & ship, MacArthur, Jenny Lind, E.C. Booz Old Cabin Whiskey, Success to Railroad

  19. Colored Glass: 10 pieces including Clevenger Stoddard pattern, elephants, Clayton Historic Preservation, Revell House Colonial Burlington NJ

  20. Tonala & El Palomar Mexican Pottery dinnerware - 32 pieces: 2 round platters, 2 soup bowls, 2 cereal bowls, 6 salad plates, 2 B&B plates, 4 teacups, 5 saucers, 2 side handled bowls, 2 covered side handled bowls, 2 pitchers, 2 rectangular trays, large oval tray

  21. Green Depression Glass Dinnerware - 33 pieces

  22. Art: Hudson River Inlay - 3 pieces

  23. Art: Hudson River Inlay - 3 pieces

  24. Vintage Christmas Ornaments: 16 pieces

  25. Vintage Christmas Items: 2 boxes of ornaments, 2 boxes of light bulbs, string of balls, large grape cluster, battery operated walking Santa, Amico Imports light-up house

  26. Vintage Christmas Items: 3 paper houses, 4 bottle brush trees

  27. Vintage Christmas Ornaments: 4 boxes & box of ornament hangers

  28. Vintage Christmas Ornaments: 3 boxes & box of ornament hangers

  29. Vintage Christmas Ornaments: 4 boxes & 3 boxes of ornament hangers

  30. Asian Textiles: large comforter, 4 pillow covers, hand embroidered peacock in original box, silk fabric in original box, various pouches

  31. Purses: 5 pieces including Paristyle, Andrew Geller

  32. Porcelain: 8 pieces including Spode teapot, Noritake condiment jar, Old Nuremberg Bavaria leaf dish, Hohenberg demitasse cup & saucer, Winterling cigarette holder & 2 cup plates

  33. Purses & Wallets : 14 pieces including Lloyd Kiva, Whiting & Davis

  34. Beaded Purses: 8 pieces including Koret Tresor, Elsie Tu, Neustetters

  35. Mixed: 25+ pieces including Asian wooden covered bowl, Williamsburg trivet, brass elephants, vases, Egyptian plates, Florentine gilt wood tray

  36. Asian: 20+ pieces including fans, saki cups, enameled tray, ginger jar, carved fisherman figurine, spoons & forks in presentation box

  37. Dresser Items: 30+ pieces including scarves, lipsticks, scissors, gloves, celluloid items

  38. Porcelain: 11 pieces including cherub plates, Carmen Bavaria tray, Limoges tureen, handpainted vase, mug, sugar bowl (missing lid)

  39. Handpainted Porcelain: 10 pieces including Schumann reticulated plate, Rosenthal leaf shaped nappy, Haviland France plate, Germany teacups

  40. Clear Etched Glass: 40+ pieces including decanter, box, footed square bowl, compote, various stems

  41. Mixed: 10 pieces including signed dancer charger, NRG Holland coaster pair of pottery cats, clear glass duck on wood stand, Wedgwood vase, von Schierholz swan

  42. Glass: 35 pieces including cut glass punch cups, cut glass stems, Charleton milk & clear glass ruffled bowl, pitchers, iridescent vase

  43. Cut Glass: 23 pieces including water bottle, compote, bowls, nappys, sugar bowl & creamer, salts, celery tray

  44. Lacquerware: 3 mother of pearl inlaid boxes, mother of pearl inlaid jewelry box, 3 other boxes

  45. Lacquerware: 3 boxes with divided interiors, lighter

  46. Mid-Century Gilt Glassware: 33 pieces

  47. Asian: 19 pieces including lacquerware, carved dragon stamp, chopsticks, boxes, brass relief tray, censers, ben wa balls

  48. Handpainted Bavaria cider pitcher & 6 mugs

  49. Carved Wood: 13 animals & figural letter opener

  50. Porcelain: 11 pieces including Deruta vases, Haviland France sugar & creamer, Lefton planter, 2 iridescent cake plates

  51. Asian: 2 round mother of pearl inlaid lacquerware trays, 2 mother of pearl inlaid vases with carved hardwood stands, 2 figurines

  52. Desk Items: metal fleur de lis bookends, milk glass foo dog bookends, frosted glass wave bookends, single metal Shakespeare bookend, Ronson porcelain lighter, glass letter opener

  53. Yellow Glass - 69 pieces including plates, stems, cups & saucers

  54. Colored Glass: 13 pieces including pink, green, blue, Charleton hand painted dresser jar

  55. Mixed: 2 gilt lyre decorated wall shelves, 2 mirrored arched wall shelves, large gilt plate hanger, metal butler pig candlestick

  56. Stylized Figurines: 8 dancers, drummer

  57. Porcelain & Pottery: 10 pieces including Portmeirion clock

  58. Fifiany & Co. - 9 pieces, 2 signed dog plates, metal mounted Japanese bowl

  59. M.A. Hadley pottery - 6 pieces including plates, butter dish, cup plate, utensils jar

  60. Glass: 14 pieces including oil lamps, candlesticks, hand painted bottles, pitcher, compote

  61. Pottery: 5 pieces including turkey tureen, vases, charger

  62. Mixed: Limoges tureen, Nippon covered creamer, 5 carpet balls, metal & stone tray, condiment jars, Limoges Old Abbey plate

  63. Porcelain: 9 pieces including Tirschenreuth teaset, MZ Austria covered jar, Nippon handpainted vase, Thun Rosemary dish

  64. Porcelain: 9 pieces including Sareguemines Chase Au Cerf plate, Royal Worcester cup plates, Lenox Martha Washington vase, Au Bon Marie grapes plate, Royal Doulton Baccus toby jug (chip), Wedgwood Clementine jar, Erphila mug

  65. Cut Glass: 15 pieces including Galway bowl, ice bucket, vases, bowls, nappy

  66. Clear Glass: 13 pieces including coverd compote, bowls, vases, shakers, pepper grinder, pitcher

  67. Glass: 16 pieces including Nachmann bowl, silver overlay sugar & creamer, bowls, lilies, candelabra, box, candlesticks

  68. Glass Lamp Shades: 10 pieces and a cased glass vase

  69. Mixed: 16 pieces including White & Son Queen Anne plates, lustreware plate, Rose Medallion plate, blown glass etched vase, hand blown Rainbow vase, Italian alabaster dresser box, 3 glass paperweights

  70. Porcelain & Pottery: 6 pieces including Royal Bavaria KPM Currier & Ives vase, 2 pottery vases, 2 pottery ginger jars (no lids), wall pocket

  71. Glass: 8 pieces including yellow & clear stems, covered butter, etched compote, fan dish, pattern glass rose bowl, light blue sugar & creamer

  72. Mixed: redware Turk's head mold, 2 toleware trays, wood scoop on legs, Merck & Co. Manufacturing Chemists dovetailed box

  73. Snowbabies: 6 pieces

  74. Pottery: 4 pieces including Roseville, Hull

  75. Art Glass: 6 pieecs including Murano napkin holder

  76. Porcelain & Pottery: 6 figurines & 2 Mexico pottery crosses

  77. Porcelain: 31 pieces including Winterling teaset, Chadwick bone dishes, Nippon plates, Royal Albert bowl, Noritake plate, Limoges oyster plate

  78. Clear Glass: 12 pieces including 2 lamps, trays, rose bowl, bowls

  79. Large decorative urn form compote, 2 mirrored glass wall sconces

  80. Mixed: 6 pieces including stained glass wall hanging, vases, bowls, enameled metal cup plate

  81. Mixed: 14 pieces including Waterford sugar & creamer, Val St. Lambert candlesticks, Marquis by Waterford etched vase, footed tray, Lenox, Royal Copenhagen

  82. 3 Handpainted plates including Carl Larson The Pearl, Puisoyen birds, Thomas Bavaria cottage with stream

  83. Porcelain: 14 pieces including Rosenthal plate, triple handled vase, cake plate, various plates

  84. Asian Porcelain: 8 pieces including plates, bowls, nappys

  85. Easton Press leather bound classic books - 16 pieces

  86. Cast iron painted "Cinderella" carriage

  87. Mixed: 12 pieces including Wedgwood, Atlantis, Waterford, Lenox, Erphila

  88. Mixed: Wood tray, hat box, crocheted doily runner, beaded shawl, baby shoes, dart set in leather pouch

  89. Glass Figurines: 7 pieces including Fenton, Wonders of the Wild, controlled bubble

  90. Mixed: 7 pieces including Beefeater toby jug, crystal carousel horse, dove bowl, crackle glass fruit, praying Madonna figurine, Italian bust bookend, art glass flower

  91. Royal Doulton Dickens - 10 pieces including tray, plates, cups & saucers

  92. Belleek Limpet Yellow dinnerware - 16 pieces: 4 dessert plates, 6 cups, 6 saucers

  93. Belleek New Shell Yellow dinnerware - 17 pieces: 4 dessert plates, 6 cups, 6 saucers, cake plate

  94. Royal Doulton Plates: 8 pieces including Rustic England, The Squire, The Jackdaw of Rheims

  95. Porcelain: 8 pieces including Gray's Pottery, Lancaster's Ltd., Crown Staffordshire St. Patrick's Day 1978

  96. Toby Jugs: 8 pieces including Wood & Sons, Sylvac Staffordshire

  97. Mid-Century Glassware: 16 pieces including Anchor Hocking, Davy Crockett, Bobby Benson H-O Ranger

  98. Pottery: 9 pieces including Vianado Castelo Portugal, Pottery Barn, Mikasa Le Buffet

  99. Mixed: 7 pieces pottery, miniature blue painted stool, 3 light blue glass bottles

  100. Porcelain: 30 pieces including Carlsbad Austria, GDA Limoges, Wood & Son, Wedgwood, Myott

  101. Disney: World Showcase Collection Wicked figure, 4 Villains thimbles

  102. Mixed: 3 Hummel figurines, silverplate pitcher & gravy boat, Villeroy & Boch Naif Christmas box

  103. Mixed: 8 pieces including Blenko crackle glass pitcher, Haeger urn, silver overlay plate & perfume, cut glass knife rest, cased glass vase, Dresden cup plate, glass paperweight

  104. Boxes: 10 pieces including glass, lacquer, metal, stone, porcelain

  105. Art Glass: 6 pieces including bowls, ashtrays

  106. Glass: 6 pieces including Blenko candlesticks, Princess House vase, thumbprint handkerchief vase, black glass footed center bowl

  107. Glass Figurines: 6 pieces including Wonders of the Wild, Vinci, Orrefors, Coca-Cola

  108. Colored Glass: 12 pieces including blue opalescent hobnail, yellow & clear

  109. Asta Enamel Pots: 3 pieces

  110. Art Glass: 5 pieces including Latticino

  111. Colored Glass: 4 pieces including Hadeland, ewer that is possibly Blenko, covered candy jars

  112. Colored Glass: 5 pieces including pink opalescent divided dish & candleholder set, Chalet Canada cranberry & clear ruffled bowl, triangle shaped bowl

  113. Mixed: 27 pieces including art glass, enameled glass, Incolay, porcelain, pottery, Delft

  114. Clowns: 9 figurines, glass disk, playing cards

  115. Nautical: 20+ pieces, lighthouses, ships, sea creatures

  116. Figurines: 25 pieces including Precious Moments, Bumpkins, Holly Hobbie, Dear God Kids

  117. Figurines: 26 pieces including Precious Moments, Bumpkins, Holly Hobbie

  118. Figurines: 25+ pieces including Precious Moments, Bumpkins, Snowbabies

  119. Figurines: 20+ pieces including Precious Moments, Bumpkins

  120. Mixed: 20+ pieces including Disney, Broadway, wizards

  121. Lamps: 4 pieces including Rayo lantern electrified, bracket lamp insert, wall mounted oil lamp, brass table lamp

  122. Mixed: 24 pieces including bumble bee measuring cups, Railway trio set, Limoges plates, green glass, pill boxes

  123. Mixed: 31 pieces including 2 lorgnettes, metal mounted wood box, Limoges bowls, Bavaria plates, Booths plates, Good Earth Sarava tumblers

  124. Ladies Hats: 5 hats, 2 hatboxes

  125. Mens Hats: 4 hats, 2 hatboxes

  126. Woven Purses: 4 pieces

  127. Gloves & Handkerchiefs

  128. Scarves

  129. Baby: blanket, dress & rubber pants set, 3 pair shoes, vintage cards

  130. Mens Ties: large lot including Bill Blass, Lord & Taylor, Donna Karan, Countess Ware, Robert Talbot, and a woven leather belt

  131. Purses: 4 pieces including Berger Bags, Andrew Geller, Lucille de Paris, Rosenfeld

  132. Purses: 4 pieces including Coblentz

  133. Wood Stands: 3 hat stands, 6 plate racks

  134. Asian Stands: 13 pieces including wood & stone

  135. Reyn Spooner Hawaiian Traditionals: Men's bathing trunks & shirt, size medium

  136. NO LOT

  137. Handmade Quilt: geometric patchwork

  138. Handmade Quilt: geometric patchwork

  139. Handmade Quilt: fan patchwork

  140. Handmade Quilt: wedding ring patchwork

  141. Silverplate: 9 pieces

  142. Metal: 5 pieces including silverplate tree & well platter, tea strainer with stand, pewter mug & tumbler, cast iron cat doorstop

  143. Metal: large lot of silverplate & pewter

  144. Metal: 8 pieces including trays, basket, tree & well platter, menorah, jar, shakers

  145. Metal: 12 pieces including silverplate, pewter, white metal


  1. 18 Glass dinner plates

  2. Nikko Ironstone Double Phoenix pattern - 85 pieces (some chips): 11 dinner plates, 11 salad plates, 11 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 soup bowls, 12 teacups, 11 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, oval serving bowl, 2 oval platters, covered casserole

  3. Wedgwood Wild Strawberry pattern - 30 pieces: 6 dinner plates, 6 salad plates, 5 B&B plates, 6 teacups, 6 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, 3 oval serving bowls, oval platter, sugar & creamer

  4. Homer Laughlin Eggshell Floral pattern - 50 pieces: 10 dinner plates, 8 B&B plates, 7 fruit bowls, 8 soup bowls, 6 teacups, 8 saucers, oval platter, sugar & creamer

  5. Meito China yellow & red floral - 82 pieces: 11 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 11 B&B plates, 12 soup bowls, 12 fruit bowls, 9 teacups, 11 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, open casserole, sugar & creamer

  6. Wedgwood Royal Homes of Britain pattern - 43 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 3 salad plates, 10 B&B plates, 2 soup bowls, 7 teacups, 8 saucers, sugar bowl

  7. Spode Blanc de Chine pattern - 50 pieces, 10 dinner plates, 10 salad plates, 10 B&B plates, 10 teacups, 10 saucers

  8. Noritake Asian Song pattern - 44 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 9 fruit bowls, 11 teacups, 11 saucers, 2 oval serving bowls, round platter, oval platter

  9. Aynsley Summertime pattern - 50 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 9 salad plates, 9 B&B plates, 8 fruit bowls, 8 teacups, 8 saucers

  10. Eipag Czechoslovakia Rajah pattern - 59 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 10 B&B plates, 11 fruit bowls, 7 soup bowls, 9 teacups, 8 saucers, oval serving bowl, oval platter, covered butter, relish dish, sugar & creamer

  11. The Secrets of Pistoulet by Jana Kolpen - 50 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 7 salad plates, 4 fruit bowls, 4 soup bowls, 7 cereal bowls, mug, canister, 3 cheese spreaders, 2-piece salad set, 2 sauceboats, round serving bowl, 2 oval serving bowls, divided serving platter, oval platter, tea kettle, relish dish, nut dish, ladle, large pitcher, cutlery holder with flatware

  12. Fiestaware (green, blue, yellow, beige) - 56 pieces: 2 dinner plates, 11 luncheon plates, 3 salad plates, 9 fruit bowls, 4 teacups, 15 saucers, round serving bowl, round platter, 2 oval platters, 2 shakers, 2 sugar bowls (1 with lid), creamer, 2 pitchers, footed compote

  13. Johnson Bros. Old English pattern - 40 pieces: 8 dinner plates (heavily faded), 7 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 5 fruit bowls, 8 soup bowls, sauceboat, round serving bowl, oval serving bowl, creamer

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