Auction Details: September 13 Multi Estate Auction
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Beginning @ 10 AM
Monday, September 12th from 9 AM –7 PM
Tuesday, September 13th from 9AM – 10 AM
We have a quick turn-around for our catalog sale on September 20th. If possible, please come prepared to remove your purchased items, particularly furniture, on the night of the sale. If that is not possible, please speak to Frank.
STERLING SILVER: weighted candelabra, weighted candlesticks, shakers, coasters, flatware
SILVERPLATE: 4 sets flatware, Danish trays, trays, swing handle basket
GLASS: cut glass vase, ice bucket, decanters, Waterford candlesticks, art glass figurines (elephant, cats, angel), paperweights, inkwells, toothpick holders, Mary Gregory type vases, milk glass portrait vase, store & pharmaceutical jars, cased glass vases, Marquis by Waterford Shelton red bowls
PORCELAIN and POTTERY: transferware tureen, transfer plate with people scene in middle, mortars & pestles, Quimper plates, Asian wall pockets, Staffordshire dogs (as is), Limoges hand painted bowls, Meissen footed bowl with mythological romance scene, cheese dish, vases, Copeland Spode hunt scene plates, McCoy jardinieres & pedestals, Imperial plant stand
FIGURINES: Royal Doulton, Hummel, porcelain nodder, smokers, Victorian lady, Daum glass dog (as is), ostriches, Asian Lladro
NEAT STUFF: Jacob Stainer violin, duck decoys, tin shore bird, painted blue bucket, riding crop, Coca-Cola chess set, wood mask, 3 long rifles, ceremonial sword, bayonet, monk wine bottle holder, mortars & pestles, sleigh bells, bookends, brass scale, microscopes, wood wall pockets, 2-piece alabaster three graces figure (as is)
TEXTILES: handmade quilts
ASIAN: large Japanese doll, reverse painted egg, turquoise snuff bottle, stone horse, stone mask, brass box, leather jewelry box with zodiac mounts, carved wood figurines, carved elephants, elephant stool, porcelain garden seat
TOYS: bisque head dolls, wind-up tin litho Happy Santa (with original box), Bubble Blowing Elephant (with original box), wind-up monkey, tin litho schoolhouse bank, tin litho mill, Mr. Peanut shakers
LAMPS: GWTW lamp bases, student lamp, Tiffany style leaded glass table lamp, Parkesburg style table lamp, ruby cut to clear table lamp, figural bird nightlight
Prints/Etchings etc
Hand colored etching of Exeter Cathedral pencil signed by J. Alphege Brewer
Wallace Nutting prints
Photoprint of Roman ruins early 20th century
Japanese woodblock print
Print of Boston Terrier by Gladys Emerson Cook
Victorian portrait print I original oak frame
Victorian chromolith in walnut frame
Fashion prints, hand colored prints of birds
Pencil signed lithograph “Desiree” by Louis Russomanno
1979 Surrealist Guy Lombol serigraph
Etching by J S Foster “Old Columbia Portland Bridge”
Etching of sailboat “Westbound” by Steven Albert
Color etching by George p. James
Print of Vigee le Brun’s “The Embrace”
Original art
Contemporary decorative paintings
Oil on artist board by H. Tutter
Watercolor of horses
Oil on Masonite unsigned after Winslow Homer boat scene
Gouache landscape by Raphael Senseman
Beach scene oil on Masonite by Sandra James
Contemporary oil on canvas by TJ Dallas
Oil on artist board of boat scene by Lennie Ulan
Unsigned oil on board floral still lifes
Oil on canvas by Sylvia Fosmire, 1978
Watercolor depicting Mount Vernon pencil signed by F. Dalyrimple
Ink and watercolor on paper of Madrid
Naïve painting oil on Masonite signed Hewitt
Asian watercolor on silk
Gouche of bird signed Caroline Thust
Oil on canvas Portrait of Native American signed Daniels
Oil on canvas Landscape signed Gorman
Oil on canvas signed G. Blumen
Oil on canvas by W M Steiner
Southwestern decorative oil on canvas
Contemporary oil on artist board signed Neely
Watercolor after Old Master
Cast bronze plaque; Asian tapestry; Gilt wood on gesso frames, East Lake Victorian frame, shadowbox frames; Victorian engravings, prints, and needlepoints
Victorian & Oak: marble washstands, marble top tables, corner chair, sofas, carved armchair, hip rest chairs, card table, settee, needlepoint rocker, wicker plant stands, oak 20-door glass bookcase, oak iceboxes, oak S-rolltop desk, 2 slant front desks, oak cabinet with tambour doors, oak mantle, open bookcase, plant stand, footstools, 3 oak table & chair sets, oak Northwind carved chair
Period & Country: 2 drawer over 2 doors punched tin pie safe, 6 spindle back chairs, blanket chest, large dough board, butter churn, painted rocker, one-drawer drop leaf table, copper apple butter kettle, trencher, tin 6-arm hanging candle lamp, yarn winder, strap hinge dome top trunk, 3 large farm tables, cottage washstand, jelly cupboard,
Custom & Reproduction: Beacon Hill leather top coffee table with slides, Broyhill end table, Kindel china cabinet, Pier 1 Imports server, 2 Philadelphia style armchairs by Lawsonia, 10-piece Aico dining room suite, 2 Depression era bedroom sets, Ethan Allen sofa, Decorest overstuffed armchairs, leather 3-piece corner sectional sofa, Pier 1 Imports metal animal room screen, Madison Square server, carved Asian coffee table & stools
Rugs: Rugs. See Photos.
**To Be Sold at 10 AM**
FURNITURE: Wurlitzer spinet piano, kitchen table w/2 chairs, kitchen chairs, card table w/chairs, entertainment centers, breakfront, bedroom set, 2 beds, Craftmatic box spring and mattress, dressers, side chairs, recliner, wing back chairs, sofa, patio table and chairs, cedar cabinet and chest, trunks, lamps, chandelier
TOOLS and EQUIPMENT: Lawn mower, Black and Decker electric lawn mower, gas power washer, old wood planes and levels, hand tools, hand truck
APPLIANCES: Upright vacuum cleaners, toaster oven, rice cooker, Keurig coffee maker, electric pressure cooker, white KitchenAid mixer and food processor with attachments, MixMaster mixer, West End cafeteria 30-cup coffee urn, electric radiator
ELECTRONICS: Flat screen and tube television sets, printer, speakers, VCR, 8mm projector, clock radios, cart of stereo equipment
PRIMITIVE and COUNTRY: Walking winders, spinning wheels, crocks, jugs, Mason jars, copper pots, old milk cans, vintage metal and glass churn, bellows, lantern, roof slate, oil lamps and shades
COLLECTIBLES: Avon bottles, Disney collectibles, vintage microscope set, test tubes, sport collectibles, rotary phones
SPORTING: Vintage fishing reels, rods, tackle boxes, golf clubs and golf bag in travel golf bag
TOYS, GAMES, and DOLLS: Board games, Tonka trucks, Hess trucks, Beanie Babies, dolls, 2 ventiloquist dolls, Cabbage Patch dolls, Holiday Barbie dolls
HOUSEHOLD: Wicker baskets, hampers, straw hats, large quantity of totes, metal trash cans, boxes of flatware and silver plate, glassware, tabletop frames, large quanties of everyday china, bakeware, pots and pans and kitchen utensils, George Foreman grill, Longaberger baskets, office supplies, wicker picnic basket, cut glass, newer sewing machines, bathmats, pillow cases, towels, silk flowers, cans of indoor paint, flowers pots
TEXTILES: Vintage fur coats and jackets, quilts, blankets, curtains
HOLIDAY: Large variety of Christmas, Halloween, Easter decorative items
RECORD ALBUMS: Boxes of LP’s and 45’s, cd’s
BOOKS & MAGAZINES: Foreign travel scrapbooks, Newspaper clippings from Kennedy era, cookbooks old and new, Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant (10 books), 9 book set of Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, “Missionary Travels 1858”, 4-book set of “Complete Guide to Aircraft of the World”, “Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War”, books on baseball memorabilia, books on antiques, biographies
ART: Large selection of framed prints and paintings, large variety of frames, Clark Gable poster
Textiles: velvet embroidered throw, fur shawl
Textiles: embroidered tablecloths
Flow Blue Porcelain: 6 plates, cup & saucer
Majolica: 6 plates
Mixed: 2 van Gogh prints, Lane cedar chest, candlewick bowl, large divided porcelain serving dish
Asian: 5 figurines, seated dog, miniature painted mask, elephant night light
Colored Glass: 9 pieces including Fenton cat figurine, Art Deco reticulated center bowl, Bohemian glass tray, crackle glass vase, Carnival glass bowl, unmarked Murano glass shell dish
Porcelain: 13 pieces including Lenox, Crown Staffordshire, Lefton, Baatz, Paragon, Bavaria
Pottery: 7 pieces including Passover plate, pie plate, reticulated covered box, Holland footed oval bowl, ruffled compotes
Clear Glass: 40+ pieces including plates, cream soup bowls, punch cups, paperweights, shakers, decanter, candlestick
Mixed: large oval porcelain frame with Art Nouveau nude print, pottery vase, long pottery tray marked Harris G. Strong, pottery ewer marked Yates 70, clear glass dome
Japanese Porcelain: iridescent teaset (sugar bowl with broken handles), Nippon footed bowl, 3 Nippon octagonal cups & saucers
Desk Items: large assortment including pen sets, Erte letter opener, organizers, gavel
Asian: set of miniature zodiac stamps, ink box, 2 metal boxes, black lacquer box, miniature Taj Mahal figure, 5 carved nuts
Metal: brass vase with applied stone decoration, swan bowl, duck box (missing lid), powder horn, purse, double handled footed bowl, lacquer stand with metal insert, ben wah balls, and more
Books: 7 pieces including Daum, Twentieth Century Glass, American Glass, 1998 Steuben Catalog, The Book of Old Silver, Fountain Pens, The Master Jewelers
Books: 8 pieces including Oriental Rugs, Frank Lloyd Wright, The Wright Style, Miller's Antiques 1994, Collectors Encyclopedia of Antiques, Sloan's Auction Galleries June 1998 Catalog, Red Baron' Auction June 1999 Catalog, Originals Lindal Cedar Homes
Books: 7 pieces including Early Meissen Porcelain in Dresden, Diction of Marks - Pottery & Porcelain, Meissen Portrait Figures, Bohemian Glass 1400-1989, Minton: The First 200 Years of Design & Production, Kovels' New Dictionary of Marks, Marks on German, Bohemian and Austrian Porcelain 1710 to the Present
Blue & White Porcelain: 9 pieces including plates, bowl, saucers, cake plate
Mixed: large lot including pottery pig bank, chopsticks, metal miniature soldier figurines, pair of cloisonne vases with stands & presentation box, Asian metal mounted bowl, 2 stone (non-matching) bookends, miniature swords, dresser boxes, Asian tea cups
Glass: 10 pieces including ruby cut to clear decanter, jar with rooster head lid, hand painted hummingbird vase, vases, covered box, hens on nest
Asian: celadon fish platter, 5 figurines, box with sliding lid & hair picks, metal safe bank, brass teapot with applied stone decoration, warmer, chopsticks in box, carved piece
Clear Glass: 11 pieces including cake stand, compotes, vases, vases, ewer, double candlesticks
Porcelain Transferware: 8 pieces including Lamberton Baltimore & Ohio platter, Ridgway, Homer Laughlin Currier & Ives bowl
Porcelain: 8 pieces including pair of figural candlesticks, Villeroy & Boch charger, German figural toothpick, Nippon double handled vase
Clear Glass: 7 pieces including cut crystal vases, oval boat center bowl, covered footed candy dish, double handled sugar bowl, cut glass bowl & nappy
Clear Glass: 9 pieces including cake stands, compotes, divided dish, toothpick holders
Art Glass: 6 pieces including melofiori double handled vase, latticino vase, 2 figures (one missing base), Murano perfume bottle (with foil label), cased glass vase
Porcelain: 12 pieces including Francesca plates, Galleria Ceramica William Tell stein, Royal York double handled vase, Johnson Bros Holland plates, Royal Copenhagen ashtray
Dresser Items: portrait box, 2 mirrored trays, 1933 World's Fair tray, mirror & brush with needlepoint back, porcelain hair receiver, celluloid powder box, manicure items, brass frame
Hummel Figurines: 7 pieces including Mother's Helper, Singing Lesson, Chimney Sweep, Meditation, Just Resting, wall plaque, Goebel chimney sweep
Porcelain: 11 pieces including Nippon, Limoges, Picard
Hummel Figurines: 7 pieces including Village Boy, Confidentially, Little Thrifty (with key), Chick Girl, Doctor (with original box), Little Helper, Girl with Flowers
Porcelain Flowers: 12 pieces including Crown Staffordshire, Aynsley, Coalport, Royale Stratford, Royal Malvern, Radnor, Royal Doulton, Adderley
Glass: 21 pieces including Fostoria American pattern, Heisey, Candlewick, green & clear swirl, square bowl with hammered aluminum lid, silver overlay tray, etched trio sets
Vintage Hand Mixers: 4 pieces including SSC, Vidrio, New Keystone Beater Factory
Porcelain: 7 pieces including Italy relief pitcher, vase, box & tray, unmarked figure, figural planter & double handled vase
Colored Glass: 12 pieces including orange & gilt bowl, plate & pair of candlesticks, yellow compote & plates, blown green teacup
Wedgwood Jasperware: 14 pieces including large footed bowl, boxes, trays, vases, bowl
Mixed: 4 carved figurines (probably African), framed Hopi pottery shards from Arizona, woven boat basket, glass vase with woven outer covering
Lenox: 15 pieces including Butterfly Meadow plates, urns, vases, shakers, covered biscuit jar, clock
Porcelain: 15 pieces including Limoges, Nippon, RS Prussia sugar & creamer, RS Prussia chocolate pot (broken finial), unmarked chocolate pot
Porcelain: 8 pieces including Nippon, Noritake, "Alas! Poor Bruin" framed plaque
Pottery: 3 Hull cornucopia vases (one double), Hall teapot, Redwing vase
Porcelain: 3 Portmeirion vases, 2 Victoria Carlsbad Austria pitchers
Asian Pottery: 10 pieces including figurine, large charger, gourd vase, redware dragon vase, teapots, cups
Clear Glass: 11 pieces including cake stands, bowls, pitcher, decanters, double candleholders
Asian Porcelain: 12 pieces including Rose Medallion plates, compote, bowls, creamer, teapot, vase
Southwestern/Native American Pottery: 11 pieces including Ann Navajo, Sioux Pottery, Acoma N.M., Looks Twice, Padilla, MS Toya, Irene 76 Tiqua Indian 90, WH Navajo, Nemadji, Yabeny Dine, C. Benally
Southwestern/Native American Pottery: 8 pieces including Beth Selby Desert Pueblo Pottery, Lee Nav, Johnson Navajo, M Jones Nav, Diee Nav, Antonia Mora, E Yanito Navajo, Victorino Acoma NM
Rose Medallion Dinnerware: 15 pieces - 8 dinner plates, 5 B&B plates, 2 oval platters
Porcelain: 17 pieces including Buster Brown cup & saucer, Schumann miniature pitcher & bowl, Radnor floral grouping, clock case, "The Favourite" saucer, Limoges covered box, Saxe condiment bowl with underplate, Belleek creamer, Ironstone covered vegetable, Brownfield & Son tray
Porcelain: 15 pieces including Bavaria bowl, miniature painting, strainer, metal mounted compote (needs refastening), reticulated platter, plates
Porcelain: 9 pieces including Arnworth Blue Willow, Buffalo China Blue Willow, unmarked covered sugar bowl, Pearl Stone Ware Washington Vase plates
Clear Glass: 11 pieces including cake stands, compotes, frosted jar base
Jars & Advertising: 10 bottles, cobalt eyewash, Ex-Lax tin
Manganese Turks Head Molds: 4 pieces
Pottery Molds: 4 pieces including corn, rabbit
Clear Glass Pitchers: 8 pieces
Transferware Porcelain: 12 pieces including Gipsy, Corinthia, Castle Scenery,
Beam Liquor Bottles: 3 Historic Pennsylvania, Indiana Indianapolis 1970
Clear Glass: 27 pieces including lemonade set, cake stand, hand form compote, hand form vases, footed condiment jar, crab dishes
Flow Blue Porcelain: 4 BWM & Co bird plates, 2 Tunstall plates, large oval platter
Mixed: wood butter mold, nutcracker, pantry boxes, metal tins, 2 baskets, carved wood spoon, wood apricot spreader
Glass: 18 pieces including Carnival glass lemonade set, amber pitchers, hens on nest, slag glass cornucopia with fish lid, bowls, compote, vases, art glass owl tray
Figural Bottles: amber violin, clear bearded genteman with stopper, green bearded gentleman (no stopper)
Colored Glass: 3 cobalt cut to clear panels, embossed azure bird panel
Pottery: 13 pieces including Stangl compote, Franklin Pottery plaque, Victoria Austria tomato jar, 2 mugs signed GE 98, KPM gravy boat with attached undertray, Menschik-Goldman lobster bowl with brush, majolica plate, Delft mug, ewer & ashtray, Delft polychrome miniature mortar & pestle
Asian Porcelain: 24 pieces including Noritake, Nippon
Pearl Stone Ware Temple pattern dinnerware - 5 salad plates, 4 B&B plates, 5 fruit bowls, 8 handleless cups, covered sugar bowl, platter
Glass Store Jars: 5 pieces
Colored Glass: 16 pieces including hand painted tumblers, iridescent blue bowl, milk glass egg, top hats, swan mug, shaker, jar, crucifix candlestick, black glass footed candleholder & double candlestick
Colored Glass: 27 pieces including vases, bowls, plates, bottle, perfume bottles, compote, shoes, candleholders, sugar & creamer
Pharmacy: 3 porcelain mortar & pestle ashtrays, pewter mortar & pestle, stoneware mortars & pestle, bookends (one needs repair), plaques
Glass: 26 pieces including Button & Daisy fan dishes, candlewick, covered compote, covered jars, sugars & creamers, bowls, dresser jar
Beam Liquor Bottles: 2 Maine, Bing Crosby National Pro-Am, Thailand, United States rocket, Professional Baseball's 100th 1869-1969
Animal Figurines: 20+ pieces including Breyer horses,
Porcelain: 12 pieces including cheese servers, plates, Booth's Lowestoft Border saucers, gilt leaf dish dated 1854, handleless cups
German Steins: 7 pieces
Beam Liquor Bottles: Poodle, Blue Jay, Florida Sea Shell Headquarters of the World, Ponderosa Ranch Nevada, Black Hills Rushmore
Toys: composite Kewpie doll bride & groom figures, porcelain seated Kewpie type figurine, Sucrets box of marbles, repro mechanical Artillery Bank
Glass Cruets & Shakers: 16 cruets, 16 shakers (some pairs)
Kutani Hand Painted Teaset - 20 pieces: 6 luncheon plates, 6 teacups (with lithophane bases), 5 saucers, teapot, sugar & creamer
Carnival Glass: 9 pieces including bowls, compotes, toothpicks, vase
Clear Cut Glass: 28 pieces including ice bucket, bowls, tidbits, knife rests, salts, compote, vses, perfumes, covered butter
H&C Chinese pattern dinnerware: large oval platter, 2 plates, 2 covered casseroles with pretzel finials
Vaseline Glass: 18 pieces including compotes, goblets, vases, sherbets, hand form tray
Hummel Figurines: 8 pieces including Apple Tree Girl, Apple Tree Boy, Meditation, Little Pharmacist, Retreat to Safety
Bisqueware: 3 busts, 2 figurines, figural vase
Mixed: 2 Wedgwood University of Pennsylvania plates, Theodore Roosevelt plate, 3 Adams ship plates, 7 collector plates, Germany porcelain shoe, pair of porcelain souvenir shakers, 2 miniature Christ child prints
Porcelain Figurines: 6 pieces
Ruby Glass: 8 pieces including bowl, lily dish, ewer, candleholders, etched vase, plate, ruby flashed mug
Large lot of hardware including glass knobs, shutter hinges, turnbuckles, brass knobs
Crystals: 5 trays of prisms, stoppers, salts, etc.
Metal Filigree Picture Frames: 6 pieces
Bisqueware: 3 busts including Dante, green Jasperware plaque
Green Glass: 8 pieces including donut bottle, covered butter, etched ice bucket, covered candy dishes, Button & Daisy pitcher, cake stand, double handled tray
Milk Glass Dresser Items: 12 pieces including bottles, trays, boxes, hair receiver
Amethyst Glass: 10 pieces including silver overlay
Mixed: large lot of primitive items including scale, weights, grinder, molds, iron, ice cream scoop, pottey pitcher
Blue Transferware: 13 pieces including Geneva Opaque China platter
Brass Candlesticks: 10 pieces
Asian: 20+ pieces including cuos & saucers, chicken shakers, vase, bowls, figurine
Porcelain Canisters: 3 pieces, "Fol. Bellad.", "Sanicula", "Nux Vomica"
Clear Glass Thistle pattern: 15 pieces including cake stand, compotes, bowls, covered butter, covered candy dish, cruet, nappy, sugar bowls
J&G Alcock Cologne pattern dinnerware - 36 pieces: 12 luncheon plates, 12 handleless cups, 12 saucers
Clear Glass: 6 pieces including Ceska vase, Blenko bowl, pair of Orrefors votive candleholders, ashtray, blown glass compote
Glass: 14 pieces including 6 etched glass with black foot parfaits (2 sizes), etched glasses, Orrefors candleholder, etched triple candleholder, Val St. Lambert budvase, Muurk Finland triple votive candleholder, pair of Mikasa candlesticks
Figural Glassware: 9 pieces including swan bowl, elephant box, large sunface ashtray, pair of horse bottles, amberina duck figurine, 2 art glass Christmas trees, Santa? Figurine
Art Glass: 8 pieces including face glasses, bowls, vase
Colored Glass: 5 pieces including vases, Lima Peru figural bottle
Art Glass: 6 pieces including vases, ewer, bowl, ashtray
Mixed: 2 art glass perfumes, latticino bottle, etched miniature mug with 800 silver frame, Livio Seguso paperweight, 3 metal flower frogs, Limoges perfume sprayer (missing lid), stone box with metal feet, ruby tumbler, 3 boxes, "Don't Gamble" paperweight
Bottles: 10 pieces & Prince Albert Tobacco tin
Stoneware: York Pottery crock, pitcher, slop jar
Stoneware: jug, mixing bowl, crock
Cups & Saucers: 6 sets English bone china with pink flowers, 6 sets Wedgwood Strawberry pattern, 7 miscellaneous sets
Collector Plates: 8 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates, 2 Royal Copenhagen Mother's Day plates, Desiree Denmark Christmas plate, 10 Porsgrund Mors Dag plates
Colored Glass: 21 pieces including Carnival Glass tumblers & saucers, paperweight (chip to base), irridescent vaseline glass compote, pink bowl & miniature mugs, aqua vase, amber decanter, perfume, salts, art glass vase
Clear Glass: 50+ pieces including candlewick, etched lemonade set, cordial set, candlesticks, salts, bowls, etc.
Lamps: 4 oil lamps, bracket lamp with mercury glass reflector, 6 chimneys
Pottery: 2 German steins, blue decorated pitcher, McCoy planter with attached underplate, majolica planter, deer form vase
Japanese Porcelain: iridescent teaset (21 pieces), 2 pitchers with matching tray, small figural vase
Clear Glass - Jacob's Ladder pattern - 40+ pieces
Porcelain: 30+ pieces including plates, bone dishes, cheese dome, egg cups, egg box, copper lustre creamers, Wedgwood Dye Ken John Peel pitcher & tumbler, Stangl pitcher
Metal: wooden spoon holder with 12 silverplate spoons, sherling handled cake server, sterling demitasse spoon (.27 TO), 3 aluminum napkin rings, copper candleholders, copper tea kettle, 2 school bells, magnifying glass, miscellaneous flatware, and more
Porcelain Transferware: 7 pieces including Alfred Meakin, Jonroth, Staffordshire, Pearl China Ware
Books: 6 pieces including Jade of the East, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1981-82, Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, China Trade Porcelain, The International Asian Art Fair 1999, Chinese Art: A Thousand Masterpieces from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections
Asian: 3 bowls, planter, wood carving
Lenox Oslo pattern dinnerware - 12 pieces: 4 dinner plates, 2 salad plates, dessert plate, B&B plate, oval platter, 2 graduated oval bowls, gravy boat with undertray
Mixed: Wedgwood blue Jasperware ashtray, Wedgwood Strawberry vase, Wedgwood Royal Homes of Britain gravy boat with undertray,copper luster pitcher, Lenox vase, Lenox oval bowl, Lenox butter, 3 milk glass sherbets, etched swan dish, Haviland Limoges 1972 Christmas plate
Dresser Items: 7-piece Art Deco celluloid set, 2 framed dried flowers, framed portrait
Porcelain & Pottery: 10 pieces including Lenox, Mikasa, Pfaltzgraff, Boleslawiec Poland
Porcelain: Chocolate Set - 9 pieces marked Prussia
Mixed: large oval metal framed convex wall frame, triple shell dish with inverted dolphin finial, New York World's Fair ashtray
Mixed: 3 brass candlesticks, brass teaset, brass figural shoe horn, brass grinder, Bulova clock, Cyma clock, Germany travel clock
Silverplate: vegetable bowl (missing lid), baby rattle, box, bowl, child's cup, trivet, Kirk & Marx steak knives, hammered bowl, tray lot of flatware
Silverplate: 20+ pieces including coasters, teapots, napkin ring, bell, figural partridge shakers, shell divided dish, sugar & creamer
Metal: 25+ pieces including pewter, aluminum, stainless steel, silverplate
Copper & Brass: pot, teapot, scoops, blotter, eagle tray, side handle sauce pan, compote with cobra base
Metal: covered vegetable dishes, shaker, collapsible drinking cup, condiment frame, butter dome, condiment stand, ashtray
Silverplate: 11 pieces including teapots, compote, child's mug, trays, box
Flatware: 6 trays & steak knife holder
Copper: 7 pieces including teapot, tea kettle, chafing dish, stirrup, pineapple drawer pull, cigarette holder
Brass: bail handle buckets, trays, ashtrays, flatware, candleholders
Bing & Grondahl Christmas Rose pattern - 41 pieces: 6 dinner plates, 9 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 9 teacups, 9 saucers
Sango & Red/Purple Glass (assembled) Café Americain pattern - 32 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 14 salad plates, 8 mugs, round platter, sugar & creamer
Made in Italy blue & green floral - 65 pieces: 11 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 16 fruit bowls, 8 soup bowls, 8 teacups, 8 saucers, oval platter, 2 shakers in holder
Siam Celadon - 72 pieces: 5 dinner plates, 5 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 5 fruit bowls, 8 teacups (1 missing handle & 1 hairline crack), 4 saucers, 3 covered round serving bowls, open casserole, covered casserole, 8 napkin rings, 2 candleholders, vase, 8 small covered casseroles, 8 knife rests, covered condiment jar, square planter, teapot, sugar & creamer
Austria pink floral (Cherry Blossom?) - 103 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 12 luncheon plates, 12 salad plates, 12 fruit bowls, 11 teacups, 12 saucers, 12 butter pats, 7 bone dishes, sauceboat with undertray, round serving bowl, 2 oval serving bowls, 3 graduated oval platters, 2 covered casseroles, covered butter, covered tureen, creamer, relish dish
Pfaltzgraff Meadow Lane pattern - 91 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 3 soup bowls, 12 cereal bowls, 12 teacups, 12 saucers, pie plate, spoon rest, sauceboat with undertray, 2 round serving bowls, 2 divided serving bowls, 2 oval platters, 3 open casseroles, small covered casserole, covered butter, relish dish, 2 shakers, sugar & creamer, and 9 painted stems
Noritake Contemporary Blythe pattern - 87 pieces (some chips): 12 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 11 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 soup bowls, 11 teacups, 12 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, oval platter, shaker, sugar & creamer
Johnson Bros. Windsorware Garden Banquet pattern - 79 pieces: 13 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 11 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 soup bowls, 11 teacups (one broken handle), sauceboat with undertray, oval serving bowl, 2 oval platters, covered casserole, cake dish, sugar & creamer
Wedgwood Patrician pattern - 52 pieces (a few chips & stains): 11 salad plates, 13 B&B plates, 8 cream soup bowls, 10 cream soup saucers, 8 saucers, round platter, covered soup tureen
Noritake Reina pattern - 52 pieces (a few chips): 5 B&B plates, 10 fruit bowls, 10 soup bowls, 13 teacups, 12 saucers, oval serving bowl, sugar
51 Rose Medallion Dinnerware: 15 pieces - 8 dinner plates, 5 B&B plates, 2 oval platters
70 Pearl Stone Ware Temple pattern dinnerware - 5 salad plates, 4 B&B plates, 5 fruit bowls, 8 handleless cups, covered sugar bowl, platter
106 J&G Alcock Cologne pattern dinnerware - 36 pieces: 12 luncheon plates, 12 handleless cups, 12 saucers
130 Lenox Oslo pattern dinnerware - 12 pieces: 4 dinner plates, 2 salad plates, dessert plate, B&B plate, oval platter, 2 graduated oval bowls, gravy boat with undertray
Vinyl Magnets, 1970's Disney, Hanna Barbera, Walter Lance, King Features, Etc.
Red plastic Fireman's Hats
Assorted brass uniform buttons (Victorian Era), NOS, Organizations, Military, etc.
Republican copper clad elephants 1940-1950's
Davy Crocket Decals (1950's)
Political keychains, Saddam Hussein, etc. (1970's)
Victorian Military Uniform Buttons, NOS
Police etc., Victorian Uniform Buttons, NOS
Tobacco related cigar box art, cigar bands, cigarette papers, coupons, advertising,4 etc.
Charms, cereal premium, etc. Copper, brass, plastic (1940's - 1960's)
Mary Flashy Flickers NOS (7) Batman, Green Lantern, Hoplong Hoppity, Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Etc.
Police and Fire Uniform Buttons Victorian, NOS
Vintage collection of fruit labels and 1930's African American beauty product labels
Peanut Butter labels
Batman, Marilyn Monroe, Star Wars, etc., sticker cards
US views old postcards
Large assorted ephemera box
Copper clad 1940's-50's key chains, baseball, glove, bats, ball, basketball
Sports award medals swimming and rowing
Foreign coins, some silver
Doubloons, commemorative medals, book of values, box of Mardis Gras doubloons
Charlton Heston Autograph
Jewelry sterling silver
National Rifle Association group ephemera
Sports cards, ephemera
Batman jewelry
Political ephemera
Vintage Beatles items
Yankees, original 1960's iron-ons
Japanese invasion currency notes, Philippines, Japanese Bank notes
Tobacco Pop Up cards Herbert Tareyton Views of England complete of 24 plus extras
Covers Air Mail Flight and First Flights
Postal Cover space Program
First day Covers Artcraft & US Famous Americans
Various First day issues
Foreign Postcards
Postal stationary set of Higgins and Gage World Postal Stationary Catalog with supplements
Large world wide group of vintage restaurant menus and checks 1940's to 1970's. These are collected from a long time member of the International Food and Wine Society. Included are Le Bec Fin, Chez Maxim's, Hysteria Dell Orso, The Captain's Table, Tokyo Sukiyaki, Kerhulu, Pavillion Fleur De Lys, The Brown Derby, Simpson's on the Strand, Frascati, Lasserre, The Black Angus, A L'ecu de Fance, Scandia, Caprice La Truffe and others.
Photographic trade catalogs, service manuals and brochures from silent to Modern era names such as Polaroid, Zeis Icon, Bolex, Victor, Ariflex, etc.
United Nations postal stationary
US Postal Stationary, post cards
Artcraft US First Day Covers 1930's-1990's, 2 boxes
Artmaster US First Day Covers, 1940's-1000
19 C uniform buttons police, fire department, military and others, 4 boxes
US WWII insignia plus other military patches
Navy Register Jan 1, 1875 Paymaster General JH Watmough Chief Bureau Provisions and Clothins, etc.
WWII USO camp show scripts, comedy sketches, musical comedies, finales and productions. A Rocket Guide for US Arm song leader, Liberty Laughs, etc.
100 Vintage 1930's broom labels
JR Williams decals in original packaging 1950's
Fender Guitar related 1990-2002, hang tags, owner manuals, case candy, Frontline Magazine
3 Spencerian Penmanship Drawing, Early Die Cut "Friendship" Valentines, Hotel Menus etc.
Victorian Trade Cards and calling cards
Assorted wooden nickels, 1960's-1980's
1950's ice skate Key Chains
Cereal Premiums, cracker jack, lithotin, metal and plastic dollhouse items
Miniature brass tools
8 Vintage hold to light post cards
Bull Fighting Post Cards
American Bank Checks, Early Federal Union Period 1791-1832
American Bank Checks, State Government Period 1833-1864
American Banking Checks 1865 - Depression
Specialized Art Catalogs
Underground comic and newspapers, includes several scarce, late 60's, The Militant 9-12-69, Good Times 9-11-69, Industrial Worker July 69, The Southern Patriot, The Realist, The Black Dwarf, etc.
Art related postcards
WWII matches illustrated US Army Navy Marine and Air Force Camps, training bases, Anti-Hitler War Bonds, etc.
Anchors Club and Hotel Stationary
Postcards (Vintage) FDCs, covers, etc.
3 Stamp albums
US Unaddressed first day covers, 1930's to 1970's
Unaddressed United Nations First Day covers, Many early several artist signed
Worldwide covers and envelopes
First Day Covers "Fleetwood"
Stock sheets of loose stamps, mint and cancelled, 2 boxes
USPS First Day Cover Souvenir Sheets
World of Stamps series of topical, stamps are unused many different countries
Israel Mint stamps, 1970's-1990's
Golden Replicas of United States Stamps
US Olympic Commemorative stamp proof replicas
24 Rolls of Lincoln cents
Small tub of rolls of Lincoln cents
Wheat pennies, $6.22 face value
Bag of modern coins
Franklin Mint Treasure Coins of the Carribean - The British Virgin Islands
Bag of foreign coins
Bag of Buffalo Nickels, $9.35 face value
Bag of War Nickels, $.80 face value
Bag of steel pennies, $1.06 face value
1941 Mercury dime
1951 Franklin half dollar
1906 Indian Head cent
Vintage Christmas, Easter, Birthday greeting cards, with New Houses of Parliament card
Vintage Valentines
Handmade box of vintage postcards and other ephemera
1876 Visitor's Guide to the Centennial Exhibition and Philadelphia, Album of the Edingurgh News
Album of foreign paper money
Richard Hudnut Salon New York box with a Lowney Building World's Columbian Exposition 1893 box, The Blank Paged Bible Part II with inscription and dated September 13, 53, flower painting on metal, vinage Girl Scouts clippings and (3) pieces of vintage sheet music
Vintage ephemera: Family records, Certificate of Citizenship, postcards, etc.
Colton's Map of Pennsylvania 1869, Grover & Baker S M Co 1869 receipt for sewing machine, floral painting on silk, watercolor of lady
Farmer's & Mechanics' National Bank checks, 1864-1868
Handwritten religious correspondence from 1840's, 1850's, 1876 with calling card in envelope
Vintage ephemera to include "The Wedding at the White House--The Bride and Bridegroom" from Extra Supplement to the Wedding Graphic, Sunday, May 24, 1874" to commemorate the marriage of Ulysses S. Grant's daughter, engraved portrait of John Knox, engraved picture of Presbyterian Church Ormond Quay, Dublin and a portrait of W H Playford
Phillies 1976-1977 10-player signed baseball, notables are Steve Carlton, Hof and Greg Maddox
1960 Greensboro/NYY minor league signed baseball with 20 signatures
Two (2) signed baseballs 1990
Happy 50th Birthday baseball, signed illegibly
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Miscellaneous items including assorted pressed pennies, buttons, badges, rings, pewter dwarf, magnifiers, etc.
Baseball cards, tickets, stamps, postcards, photograph, etc.
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Unsorted box of stamps & souvenir sheets
Coin holders, plastic bags, letter scale