Staff Spotlight: Rebecca 许晓明 O'Donnell

Meet Rebecca (许晓明) O’Donnell. Rebecca is what we call an unsung hero. She makes a substantive contribution to our company, yet her hard work and diligence all takes place behind the scenes.
As our bookkeeper, Rebecca is responsible for assuring that all of the company’s financial transactions are in order. Purchases, sales, receipts, payments, you name it – she’s got our books balanced better than a pair of Libra scales. Rebecca is our team’s go-to guru for Tax ID validation, invoice processing, and our freshly launched online payment feature. We surely are a thankful group, because to the average Joe accounting can look like a bunch of gobbledygook. It’s certainly a language of it’s own. Good thing Rebecca has a knack for languages. She’s fluent in English, Accounting, and Chinese.
Thanks to Rebecca’s volubility in both Mandarin and Cantonese, Bunch Auctions is able to introduce ourselves to the booming Asian market. The economy of East Asia is currently one of the most prosperous regional economies in the world. With our unsettling global economy stuck in a bearish path, wealthy collectors appear skeptical as to whether now is the right time to buy and sell. However, there is one collectors’ niche that has been setting monumental prices regardless of current events and market trends: historic Chinese decorative arts and antiques.
A recent article in the New York Times states, “In recent years there have been numerous examples of the tenacity with which Chinese buyers track down outstanding examples of their heritage in small auction rooms around the world.” Our catalog auctions are viewed by curious eyes around the globe via online bidding platforms such as Live Auctioneers and Invaluable. We may be in America, but we often hold a wealth of historic Chinese art. While our photographers do an excellent job at providing detailed imagery of each lot, it isn’t unusual to have additional questions. Queue Rebecca. She is here to make sure linguistical differences don’t hinder the consignment or purchasing process. Nothing is lost in translation.
许晓明(Rebecca O’Donnell)中国广州人, 祖籍广东澄海,是我们的会计,也是我们的中文翻译。晓明的日常工作在幕后,每天跟各种数据打交道,以确保我们公司的财务运行顺利。除了对财务工作的熟悉,晓明还精通国语和粤语,并且能听懂潮州话。任何客人,无论是送拍品还是买拍品,只要需要中文服务,她都能为您提供帮助。自从2013年底加入我们公司以来,晓明已经为无数新老中国顾客提供帮助,使得买卖顺利完成。
纽约时报最近有报道提到,近几年中国买家频繁出现在世界各地小拍卖行寻宝。互联网上的各种拍卖平台也给不在美国境内的买家提供了便利。我们公司虽然地处美国宾夕法尼亚州,但是我们经常会收到不同藏家送来的许多亚洲,特别是中国的古董精品。因此我们公司的顾客也遍布海内外。不少客人直接通过拍卖平台如Live Auctioneers和Invaluable在我们公司赢得拍品。我们公司的拍卖品都附有精美的图片以便于您鉴别每件拍品。如果图片不足以解答您的所有疑问,或者您需要了解关于我们拍卖行的任何信息,欢迎您直接联系晓明以提供中文服务,从而减少语言沟通上的困扰。请经常关注我们的网站,说不定有您意想不到的惊喜。