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Auction Details: March 29 Multi Estate Auction


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Beginning @ 9 AM


Monday, March 28th from 9 AM – 7 PM

Tuesday, March 29th from 9AM – 10 AM

JEWELRY: 163 lots. See separate list.

STERLING SILVER: seafood forks, spoons, open salts, leaf wine taster, bell, mustard with cobalt insert, sterling handled carving set, S. Kirk & Son weighted candlesticks, plate, basket with divided glass insert, demitasse & other spoons, trophy plates, bowl, Caldwell reticulated bowl, Revere bowl, weighted compote, coin silver spoons, bowls, Gorham oval dish, sterling backed brushes, weighted candelabra

SILVERPLATE: Pairpoint trays, Gorham teaset, large teaset with coffee urn, trophies, lazy susans, 5-tier server, champagne bucket, large footed bowl, dresser mirrors

OTHER METALS: Gorham pewter octagonal teaset on tray, copper coal scuttle, copper swing handle bucket, copper footed lion head planter

FLATWARE: set of sterling monogrammed flatware – 37 pieces (33.045 TO), S. Kirk & Son Calvert sterling flatware – 40 pieces (43.41 TO), Holmes & Edwards silverplated flatware – 57 pieces, Rogers silverplated flatware – 76 pieces, Gold washed stainless flatware – 50 pieces

GLASS: cut crystal biscuit jar Bristol style vases, enameled vases, Kosta vase, frosted pin tray with metal mounts & porcelain classical scene disk, vintage bottles, Orrefors bowl, large cut glass vase signed Jim O’Leary, cut glass pitcher, footed rose bowl, art glass vases, Murano vases & candlestick, art glass compote, cut glass footed bowl, Rosenthal bowl, enameled portrait dresser jar

Waterford: Lismore stems in various sizes (on shelves), Lismore decanter, desk clocks, vases, center bowl, decanter

PORCELAIN and POTTERY: Spode Blue Room Greek large cup & saucer, Wedgwood Penhurst Place soup bowls, blue & white compote, Haeger black cat, Wedgwood Wellesley Bullfinch plates, Minton Haddon Grove plates, H&C Bohemia Coronado plates, unmarked hand painted cake plates, metal mounted ewer, Noritake Imperial Garden plates, KPM double handled bowl, Nippon cake plate, redward milk bowl, Meissen teapot


  1. Royal Copenhagen Fluted Half Lace pattern - 67 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 10 B&B plates, 8 teacups, 8 saucers, 8 demitasse cups, 8 demitasse saucers, 2 butter pats, 2 open salts with spoons, sauceboat with undertray, round platter, teapot, compote, miscellaneous lid

  2. Theodore Haviland Limoges pink & green floral - 69 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 11 salad plates, 11 B&B plates, 10 fruit bowls, soup bowl, 4 teacups, 11 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, oval serving bowl, 3 graduated oval platters, covered casserole, covered butter, sugar & creamer - chips

  3. Franciscan Dogwood (pink & green) pattern - 61 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 8 fruit bowls, 8 teacups, 8 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, 2 round serving bowls, divided serving bowl, round platter, oval platter, covered butter, 4 shakers, sugar & creamer - some chips

  4. Victoria China Maytime pattern - 94 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 11 salad plates, 12 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 soup bowls, 12 teacups, 12 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, oval serving bowl, 4 graduated oval platters, 2 covered casseroles, covered butter, sugar & creamer

  5. Mikasa Berkshire pattern - 90 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 12 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 soup bowls, 12 teacups, 12 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, round serving bowl, oval serving bowl, oval platter, sugar & creamer

  6. Theodore Haviland Limoges green floral - 55 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 8 salad plates, 6 fruit bowls, 11 teacups, 19 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, oval platter, covered casserole - some chips

  7. Epiag Czechoslovakia Bridal Rose pattern - 27 pieces: 5 dinner plates, 3 salad plates, 6 B&B plates, fruit bowl, 2 soup bowls, 3 teacups, sauceboat with undertray, 2 rectangular platters, 2 covered casseroles, covered butter, creamer - hairlines

  8. Theodore Haviland Limoges pink & green floral - 33 pieces: luncheon plate, 9 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 4 soup bowl, 2 teacups, 1 saucer, 1 demitasse cup, 1 demitasse saucer, 3 oval serving bowls, oval platter, covered casserole, covered butter

  9. Crown Staffordshire Renaissance pattern - 72 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 12 B&B plates, 12 fruit bowls, 12 teacups, 12 saucers

  10. Noritake Hermitage pattern - 61 pieces: 12 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 12 B&B plates, 12 teacups, 12 saucers, oval platter

  11. Johnson Bros Windsor Ware Wild Turkeys & Mount Vernon pattern assembled set - 52 pieces: 13 dinner plates, 12 salad plates, 10 teacups, 12 saucers, sauceboat with undertray, round serving bowl, 2 oval serving bowls, 2 graduated oval platters, teapot

  12. Fostoria American pattern - 170 pieces: 16 luncheon plates, 11 salad plates, 12 B&B plates, 11 fruit bowls, 22 teacups, 12 saucers, 2 bone dishes, sauceboat with undertray, 2 round serving bowls, divided serving bowl, round platter, cake dish, covered butter, 4 shakers, relish dish, tidbit, sugar, creamer, 2 top hats, candleholder, vase, footed dish, small bowl, 9 goblets, 9 sherbets, 8 cordials, 12 large tumblers, 12 smaller tumblers, 12 juices

  13. Haviland Limoges pale yellow & white swag motif - 19 pieces: 4 dinner plates, 4 salad plates, 6 cream soup bowls, 4 saucers, oval platter

  14. Churchill Blue Willow pattern - 47 pieces: 10 dinner plates, 7 B&B plates, 7 fruit bowls, 2 soup bowls, 8 teacups, 5 saucers, sauceboat, 2 round serving bowls, 2 oval platters, sugar & creamer

  15. Haviland Limoges blue & white floral - 61 pieces: 8 dinner plates, 9 salad plates, 8 B&B plates, 4 fruit bowls, 8 soup bowls, 3 cereal bowls, 9 saucers, 10 butter pats, 2 bone dishes - chips, cracks

Dinnerware Shelf Lots:

27 Handpainted Nippon Dessert Set - 17 pieces: teapot, sugar, creamer, 3 cups, 5 saucers, 6 dessert plates

29 Unmarked Asian Design Teaset - 11 pieces: teapot, sugar, creamer, 4 cups, 4 saucers

30 Copeland Grape Design Dessert Set - 11 pieces: rectangular bowl, round scalloped plate, 9 scalloped fruit bowls

116 Cobalt & Gilt Teaset: Nippon teapot & Weimar creamer, 6 cups & 12 dessert plates

NEAT STUFF: tray lots of crystal prisms, anchor bookends, nesting Amish style boxes, cast iron dog doorstop, Byers Carolers, Official 1973 Presidential Inaugural Medal, Bushnell binoculars, opera glasses, carved wood animal figurines, carved shore birds, carved duck decoys (some signed), brass soldier doorstops, Nikon lenses, Player’s Navy Cut tin, small porcelain doll, leather turtle footstool, tin molds, cast iron basket of flowers door stops, cast iron bulldog, brass balance scale, inlaid desk stand with crystal inkwells, tapestry purse, kaleidoscopes, cruficixes & rosary beads, lap desk, marble lazy susan, stone horsehead bookends, abalone inlaid mask, metal bound box, bottle stoppers, African mask, steins, framed needlepoint, copper & brass double handled vase

ASIAN: needlework cat screen, vases, stone stamps, metal mounted dragon teaset, abalone inlaid boxes, covered jar, carved stone mounted as lamp, framed embroidered badge, large mudman figure, brass boxes with cloisonné disks, wooden folding corner shelf with carved stone medallions, fishbowls, ginger jar, metal mounted covered urn

CLOCKS: Waterford desk clocks, Telechron electric mantle clock, silverplated travel clock

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: large Asian stringed instrument, 2 violins

TEXTILES & CLOTHING: silver fox fur coat

LAMPS: numerous decorative table lamps, see photos.

Local: Peter Sculthorpe limited edition prints; Linda McNeil limited edition print; Russell Finley print;

Original Oils/Watercolors: Mario Lowndes watercolor; Harry L. Richardson watercolor; Kinley Shogren watercolor; W. Holland landscape; Spainish Matador and Bull painting;

Prints: Aristide Maillol woodblocks; Claude Casati lithograph; Sheldon Iskowitz etching/aquatint; Walworth Stilson etching; The Melton Breakfast print

Other: Mexican folk art; Wallace Nutting; Egyptian paintings on papyrus; Mola folk art; Tim J. Callahan photograph; Contemporary illuminated manuscripts from the University of Waterloo; Conemporary Mexican retablo; José Lozano draing “Holy Smoke”; Haitian/Caribbean folk art;


Country & Period: Solid end cherry Sheraton reverse graduated 4-drawer chest, small open top pine hutch, mahogany 2-over-3 Federal chest with spiral columns and paw feet, 18th C mahogany slant front Chippendale desk, set of 6 Thonet style bentwood chairs, porch rocker with woven reed back & seat, 4-slat ladder back rocker with turned stretcher, 2 Adirondack lounge chairs, wagon seat bench settee, Sheraton washstand with painted decoration, small walnut Sheraton dropleaf table, 2 primitive benches, cobbler’s bench coffee table, stick & ball transom, ornate brass & iron double bed, benchmade stretcher base tavern table by Lennox Craftsmen, walnut half-round Continental gaming table

Victorian & Oak: 6-section stacking mahogany bookcase with desk section, small walnut 2-door wardrobe with beveled mirror doors & glass shelves, walnut Edwardian dresser with beveled edge mirror & folding mirrored wings, 2-panel handpainted screen with lion & unicorn cresting over landscape scenes, large oak lift-lid ice box, Victorian open armchair with carved ladies heads, other Victorian tables, chairs & stands

Custom & Reproduction: Hitchcocksville tall chest & bureau with matching mirror, cherry block front slant front desk by Maddox, mahogany slant front Governor Winthrop desk, inlaid ladies tambour desk with Mahogany Associations Inc. label, mahogany double serpentine breakfront with crown side glass, mahogany Hepplewhite extension table with 2 leaves, mahogany Queen Anne style open server, cherry Queen Anne style ladies desk, cherry gentleman’s chest, open top pine hutch, floral marquetry inlaid lamp table, mahogany hanging curio cabinet, Queen Anne wing chair, inlaid tray top oval scalloped coffee table, mahogany shell carved block front bachelor’s chest, cherry Philadelphia Chippendale style tilt-top tea table, mahogany scalloped top birdcage tea table, 8-piece Canadel maple dining room suite, 10-piece Ethan Allen cherry Queen Anne dining room suite, Thomasville armchairs, 8 Henkle Harris Queen Anne dining room chairs, Queen Anne style cherry highboy by Kincaid, Kittinger Queen Anne style double pedestal dining table with 2 leaves, mahogany 2-piece breakfront by Council Craftsman, mahogany Queen Anne huntboard by Biggs, Kittinger mahogany Queen Anne style tea table with pull-out slides, 4-piece Walnut Depression bedroom suite, mahogany Hepplewhite card table, mahogany Hepplewhite console table, mahogany Chippendale style sideboard, white painted display cabinet with glazed doors, ends with mirrored back & glass shelves, carved oak double dresser with mirror, Duncan Phyfe style dining extension table, Chippendale style camelback sofa with claw & ball feet, Chippendale style camelback sofa with straight legs, moss covered cement garden bench

Mid-Century: Haywood Wakefield credenza with tambour end, chrome & frosted glass 4-tier swing-out table, plate glass coffee table on metal base, 2 Klismos based footstools, 2 brown leather platform rockers, black leather & chrome armchair & sofa

Asian: 6 small carved & inlaid tamborets & stands, 2 6-section folding screens, Asian style coffee table



*****To Be Sold at 10 AM*****

TOOLS and EQUIPMENT: Contractor’s special: 9 aluminum extension ladders, 4 aluminum step ladders, ladder stabilizer. Socket set, 5 cell mag-lite, quantity of garden, tree trimming tools and garden chemicals, pair of iron spoke farm wheels, wagon shaft, Dietz post lamp (NOS--kerosene), quantity of paint, paint supplies and wallpaper, boxes filled with lightbulbs.

ELECTRONICS: Marandt: cassette deck, cd changer, stereo receiver. Sony: 2 DVD players with VCR, Blue Ray DVD disc player. Sharp compact component unit. Panasonic MP3 Model receiver and 3 speakers. Fisher stereo turntable NOS. Sharp window AC, LG dehumidifier.

From an estate: Crown Model OC150 receiver. Audio Research preamplifier Model SP9. Threshold Stasis power amp Model S-200. Krell Model KDL preamp with power supply unit and specialty cables. Adcom Model GTP-500 receiver with an Adcom Model GFS3 speaker selector. Rotel stereo tuner RT950BX and a Rotel RCC10055 multi-cd changer. Onkyo Integra stereo tuner Model T9090 with a Nakamichi ZX7 cassette deck and equalizer. 2 Sony cassette decks, Model TZWE475 and Model TCWA7. Sony compact disc player CDPX111EX sold with a Pioneer Elite DVD player. Audio Power Industries Power Pack line conditioner Model PPV142. 2 small Snell Acoustics speakers with a single Audio Art speaker. 2 B&W loudspeakers. 2 Sota Panorama loudspeakers, Danish modern style cherry wood finish speakers on t-stands w/spiked feet.

Five (5) wide shelves filled with jazz and classical CD’s.

TOYS and DOLLS: Lever action air rifle, croquet set, Lionel Gold Rush Special model train set. Board games: Magnastics, Concentration, Truffle, Loaded Questions, Don’t Make Me Laugh, Whitman Wagers. U-Control Silver Bullet RC Helicopter (new), solid wood Bingo set (new), new musical snow globes, 14 Madame Alexander dolls all in boxes—Diana, Alice in Wonderland, Raggedy Ann, Itsy Bitsy Spider, shelves of dolls and doll clothes, miniature Chippendale furniture, and others, wooden travel chess set, Halloween lifesize ghouls, new Easter lambs and Easter bunnies, 3 tin lunch boxes.

HOUSEHOLD: Six (6) sets of new chinaware, most never used. Cuisinart and Calphalon cookware, pottery mixing bowls, cookie cutters, glass cake stand, whimsical cookie jars, shelf lots of wooden reproduction decorating pieces, 10 boxes of QVC stock (never opened), quantity of bar glassware, double crockpot tabletop unit, 11 jewelry boxes, Henckels kitchen knife set in wooden holder, cleaning supplies, hanging pot rack.

TEXTILES: Linens: Bates early American style red and white spread, crewel work bedspread, covers, blankets, pillows, applique quilt, oval cutwork linen tablecloth and napkin set NOS, 2 bell pulls.

Clothing and Related: Dress form, Church’s English dress shoes, LL Bean moccasins, new Chancellor’s dress shoes size 10, New Balance sneakers size 10, fancy designer belts, wool and silk scarves, man’s New England style summer hat loaded with pins and buttons, man’s Australian felt wide brimmed hat, Pierrette ladies jacket made in Switzerland, handbags, neckties.

Colonial reproduction clothes: shirts, britches, cloaks, brass button vests, dresses, roughspun, velvet trimmed in fur. Fur lined silk dresses, designer silk suits, older 60’s clothing, 20’s style flapper dress, quantity of men’s clothing: Judge’s robes, cashmere smoking jackets, fur lined jackets, late 60’s suits, 3-piece suit, cashmere sports jacket, outdoor coats, Eddie Bauer shearling ¾ length coat, Alpaca sweater jacket.

Kimono style beadwork jacket, full size silk robe, traditional Japanese dress, full length cape, full length mink coat, faux fur lined full length suede coat, white fox stole.

Singer Feather lite sewing maching (no box).

COUNTRY: Light brown and dark brown crockery jugs (1 ea), brass pail, split hickory market basket, pie board, kerosene lamps, enamel over tin double boiler, jardiniers, old wooden pineapple shipping crate, copper ear of corn mold, Hall teapot, nice vintage pedestal sink, shotgun shells.

COLLECTIBLES: Heritage Village Manchester Square Dept. 56 outfit, Franklin Mint plates to include Christmas and Native American, reproduction tins, Budweiser mugs, Williamsburg gift shop porcelain. Reproduction metal work: tin, copper, aluminum, brass, iron. Two (2) shelf lots of reproduction blue decorated stoneware, reproduction Shaker boxes, records.

E. Leitz 8 x 30 power binoculars, two (2) 1990’s miniature The Chinese Hirn Carving ships, koi decorated Chinese porcelain cooler/vessel, miniature Asian masks in fabric boxes, jewelry box looks like stack of books, marbles, two (2) tabletop carousels, green pinch bottle w/metal collar, tray decorated with foreign wine labels, Piper ice bucket, Sine-Kodak 8-25 camera, art pottery crocks and jugs.

Mid to late 20th century hockey, football and baseball ephemera. Shelf of leatherbound French books. 18 old photographs of a sewing factory circa 1900. Shelf lot of books on tape. Coffee table books on waterfowl art: Maynard Reece, Basil Ede, Maass, Robert Bateman; autographed copy of Ducks, Stamps and Prints 1988 (McCaddin). 1901 German birth certificate in gilt frame.

INDOOR and OUTDOOR FURNITURE: Tricolor wicker patio set, midcentury modern yellow steel patio set, contemporary expanded steel patio steel, large quantity of plant stands and outdoor shelves, 2 matching leatherette recliners, 2 camel back sofas, tufted gold sofas, 2 upholstered kidney shape sofas, pink stripe upholstered chaise, 2 wing chairs, vinyl recliner, cherry headboard, drop front secretary, 3 oak tavern chairs, 2 person school desk, Windsor chairs, Hunt Country oak chair, console tables, bookshelves, 2 steel steamer trunks, 2 dinette tables, one a blue and white enamel sideways refractor, reproduction pine trestle table, 2 cedar trunks, 2 jewelry chests, lamps, quantity of mirrors, 2 small size Asian sculpted carpets 5’ x 3’ and 4’7” x 2’6”, medium size room rug 9’7” x 6’, crewelwork rug 8’1” x 5’5”.

ART: Quantity of Asian scrolls, framed and unframed original art, posters and prints, to include Joanne Hennes Wyoming Woods signed limited edition print, Applebrook Golf Club print, Peter Sculthorpe print, mallard and fish prints, and Vail Regatta framed poster.

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